Permission to Whine?
First let me say that this post in no way relates to my topic or the purpose of this blog. I do hope, however, that at least one person reading this will benefit from my utter and complete lack of reason. defines procrastination as "to postpone or delay needlessly." Overburdened is defined as "an overload." I'm coining a phrase of my own--procrastination due to overburdening. In an effort not to sound like I'm making excuses, I just want to justify my under par participation this week in all areas of my life. Imagine a pie chart...I'm giving a little to this and a little to that...and not enough to any one thing. Every single thing seems to be suffering because I've taken too much on. Listen to others when they say, "Christy, you'd better be careful not to try to do too much..." Never. If you know me, I will try to DO IT ALL. However, I feel that I have truly learned my lesson. My fingernails are down to nubs, and I wake up drained and dreading the day. This is no way to live, I tell you people!
I'm currently teaching at my full-time job as I've mentioned many times before in our discussion groups. Obviously, I'm taking this class at Chapel too. That should be enough for any one person, yet I took on more. Sure, I can teach an online class for another institution. Enough? Not yet. Oh, and do a little freelancing too? Sure, how hard can it be, I asked myself (and of course money talks). My overall point and moral to this story--and I apologize for taking so long to get to it--is that we are only human. I will recognize my limits from this moment on, and I am promising myself, here and now, that I will not overburden myself past the realm of sanity ever again. (Please remind me next semester that I said that). Remember that you can try to do it all, but is it worth it when the work or the results are not your best?

Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself: What is my truest intention? Give yourself time to let a yes resound within you. When it's right, I guarantee that your entire body will feel it. ~ Oprah Winfrey
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