Realizations and goals for 05
As an online teacher and student, I know that I was not performing at my best this past semester; as I mentioned in a prior entry, I simply took too much on. (I have that problem saying no...especially when $ is involved). Anyway, I was playing "catch up" in nearly every area of my life from September to December, and I'm just now getting a chance to breathe. I know when I'm lacking...and I can admit that. I was a better online student than teacher, and I vow never to let my students down like that again. The instructor and his/her participation and interactivity is integral to a successful online class. I feel like my students were at a disadvantage because I didn't give the feedback they deserved, and they probably feel as if they were working blindly at least part of the time. I can only apologize and make an effort never to do such a thing again.
My goals (which is more realistic than saying New Year's resolutions) are:
1. Not to work so hard...a person has to have a life outside of work and money.
2. Not to take on more than I can handle. If you have to ask yourself, "can I handle this..." then the answer is probably NO.
3. Find time to do things that I enjoy: read a book, go to a movie, take a trip.
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.~Oprah
Those are 3 great goals for the coming year... especially in the hustle and bustle of today's world.
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