Thursday, October 14, 2004

Thursday's Sites has been serving professionals since 1970! The date of update is right at the top with announcements and easy-to-find navigation channels. There are featured partners, which add validity, and the user can submit news and articles as well as read about distance education issues. Tabs are provided to daily news, higher ed, business and industry, K-12, and even the government and military. The format choice creates a "busy" appearance; page is sectioned into columns, but readability is fine nonetheless. Overall a good site that I can use later.

Resources for Distance Education does offer a lot of resources on the subject of distance ed, however, the page is simply that--a list of links. There is little white space, and it's hard to sort through all the information. The annotations are not terribly helpful, so you may spend a significant amount of time navigating to find that the link is not what you expected. The site has potential but needs work.


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